The Great War

Written by Parham Gharavaisi on . Posted in AE Stories

Long ago, there were three empires. Two of them were the most powerful beings in the universe...

After a long peace, finally, the flames of war reached them and left them at brink of destruction. Only one of them could survive. They were called, The Imperial, Dark Raven and Guardians. The Imperials were soldiers masters of combat and had the most powerful fleet and attack power. The Dark Ravens were scientists and masters of technology, only one of their spaceships could destroy a whole planet in seconds. Finally, there were Guardians.

They were normal humans and workers. They realised that they are weak against other empires so the decided to just increase their numbers! Their numbers were much more greater than the other two groups, they lacked in power but their planets was full of small spaceships. There were just so many of them.

Dark Ravens started the war by totally destroying a newly gained system controlled by The Imperials. The system was so heavily guarded. The Imperials had found traces of unknown life forms there along with a huge amount of resources. The whole system looked like an abandoned palace! Dark Ravens sent an scout there to find out why it's so heavily guarded and found out about the new found resources. They decided to capture the system so they sent a large and strong fleet there.

They've confronted the Imperials and finally killed every last one of them but suddenly they detected an extremely large thing coming at them very fast! No possible spaceship could have been that big! It wasn't an spaceship, it was a giant black thing. Looked like an black hole but it was moving toward the system and it was moving fast. They've tried to fall back but in less than an hour, the whole system and nearly all of the fleet was gone without a trace!!! Only one of the scout ships could get out before it's was late.

Scout returned to base and informed other about what happened. Dark Ravens didn't have a single idea about what it was. A whole system gone in seconds, without any trace. What could have done that?! Shortly after that, the Imperials found out about what happened. They thought that it was Dark Ravens secret weapon that done that. They wanted revenge, so they immediately launched a full scale assault on Dark Ravens primary system.


Dark Ravens thought that it was a trap and it was Imperials secret weapon that done that! They prepared to strike at their system but found out that they are coming to them! They feared that they may use it again but they had no choice. Their system would be gone anyway so they attaked with full power. It was the greatest war in the history. Thousands of millions have died that day and nearly half of Dark Ravens planets were utterly destroyed. Forces of both sides were totally destroyed, and their power and control was lost.

They've launched so many attacks after that, both thinking that the other side has some sort of ultimate secret weapon. They killing each other so fast and didn't know that the true ultimate weapon lies elsewhere. After the great war, most of the forces of both sides were destroyed and the economy collapsed. Their powerful planets and systems burned to ashes and their fleet turned to dust. Hoping that they will eventually win, they forgot about guardians and the reason they were so calmly watching them.

Suddenly, Guardians sent their fleet to all systems owned by them. All of their forces were only in one system and Guardians were attacking all systems! They found out what terrible mistake they did!!! They destroyed themselves with their own hands and all they've got was defeat. Defeat from Guardians! The ones that they thought are the weakest. Guardians won the war, neither because they had the strongest fleet nor because they had that ultimate weapon. They won, only because they had a strong plan and a strong will to carry it out.

After Imperials and Dark Ravens found out that Guardians are overtaking them, they tried to get to their primary system as soon as they can and hopefully save it but suddenly, the same big thing appeared on the radar. Dark Ravens were freezed in fear and Imperials were moving at full speed, but it was late...too late! Shortly afterwards, the giant black hole consumed the whole system and this time there weren't even a single spaceship left.

Story sent by Parham Gharavaisi for the AE Stories event. Images belong to Tower23Hotel.